Building on the Cornerstone Building Committe Update (January 29, 2024)
To view the latest Building on the Cornerstone Building Committee Update, click here.
Building on the Cornerstone Update (October 16, 2023)
Join us for our Dedication Celebration on Sunday, October 29th. We will have a special church service at 9:30 a.m. followed by tours of the new facility as well as a catered dinner. To view a flyer for the event, click here.
Building on the Cornerstone Update (July 30, 2023)
To view the July 30, 2023, Building Committee Update, click here.
Building on the Cornerstone Update (April 21, 2023)
Design additions approved by the Building Committee
Extending the balcony to the west by an additional 2 feet at the request of Buzzard Organ Company
Addition of an Ice/Snow Melt System to the sidewalk
Extending the balcony to the east by 3 feet to allow greater flexibility in the placement of the Organ Console, Piano, Musicians, and Choirs. Also, part of the storage closet will be reconfigured for recording and live-streaming services.
Adding a second staircase from the balcony to allow people to get down in the event of the existing stairs being blocked in an emergency.
New culvert at the farm entrance on Lunney Road to allow equipment access.
Added more capacity to the electrical outlets in the fellowship hall.
Construction Update
The building addition work is progressing as planned.
The roof on the church has been replaced and the roof on the addition has been installed
The foundation and floor of the pavilion have been poured and framing will begin soon. The windows for the addition are on hand and installation will start soon.
The planning and engineering of the organ are progressing, and the pipes are being manufactured.
The track will be paved next week.
The interior walls are roughed in.
The rough-in electrical, plumbing, and HVAC are underway.
The area around the church and track are still under construction and the finish grading will be completed in the future.
The IT Subcommittee has worked with Pumford Construction and identified the location of the needed ports and outlets for the electronic systems. They are currently investigating new equipment to replace failing servers, network switches, phone, and security systems that are used by both the church and the school.
The Interior Design and Decoration Subcommittee has worked with Pumford Construction and selected the flooring for the addition and Narthex. They have also selected paint colors and are now investigating furniture.
The Sanctuary Subcommittee hired Conrad Schmitt Studios to produce a rendering, showing possible enhancements to the Sanctuary. We will be sharing the rendering soon. They are investigating lighting improvements, replacing the flooring, and either refurbishing our existing pews or possibly purchasing new pews.
Building on the Cornerstone Update (August 30, 2022)
Save the Date: Join us on Sunday, September 25th, for a special groundbreaking ceremony after the 9:30 a.m. service. Following the service, there will be fellowship and fun for all with a catered meal under a tent with pulled pork, smoked chicken, cheesy potatoes, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, coleslaw, and dessert. Don't miss this monumental event!
Building on the Cornerstone Update (August 8, 2022)
Since April of this year, The Building Committee has been working with Pumford Construction to finalize the Design Development of our Master Plan from the Long-Term Planning Committee. The Design Development was communicated to the congregation as it was being developed, and the Building Committee held four Informational Meetings where they presented it and heard the concerns and questions from the congregation. At the July Quarterly Meeting the Voter’s Assembly approved the Design Development.
At that meeting, the Voter’s Assembly also approved applying for a Construction Loan with Church Extension Fund that will lock in the interest rate. It is expected that the loan will not be needed until the fall of next year but starting the application process now will help the project go smoothly and likely save money. As of August 1st, people have committed $2,188,931 towards the goal of $2,500,000, and we have received $793,517 just 5 months into the 36-month financial campaign.
The church has already paid the Buzard Organ Company $650,000 towards the $1,600,000 cost of the new pipe organ. Buzard uses this down payment to order materials used to build the organ including pipes that are made in Europe. Our organ will be constructed in early 2024 and will be installed in the fall of 2024. We will be without the use of an organ for most of 2024 so please keep that in mind if you are planning a 2024 wedding.
The Building Committee now will work with Pumford Construction to complete the “Issue for Construction” drawings that will be sent out to solicit bids from contractors. The bids will help us to have a better understanding of the cost of the project that was estimated at $8M which also includes the organ.
The Building Committee is also forming three subcommittees to help investigate solutions and make recommendations. The first subcommittee is focusing on Security and Technology and is headed by Andy Neuenfeldt. The second is focusing on modifications to the Sanctuary headed by Brian Heinlein, and the third is focusing on interior design and decorations for the addition headed by Sue Schiewe. If you are interested in serving on one of these subcommittees, please call the church office at 989-642-8188.
Building on the Cornerstone Donut Fundraiser: On Sunday, May 8, 2022, Gary and Lynne Jacques will have a donut fundraiser for our Building on the Cornerstone Campaign. All funds raised will be matched dollar for dollar! Here are the details:
The cost for six apple cinnamon donuts is $5.00.
The deadline for ordering and payment is Thursday, May 5, 2022.
Contact Lynne Jacques at (989) 751-6751 or jacquesorchard@gmail.com if you have questions.
Order forms are available in the church bulletin and in the narthex, or you can click on the button to the right.
Donut orders can be picked up on Saturday, May 7 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at Jacques Orchard, 2275 N. Iva Road, Hemlock, or after the 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday, May 8 (Mother’s Day).
Stewardship Life Capital Campaign
Here are some important reminders:
The theme for our campaign is Building on the Cornerstone.
Our current Building Fund will also be known as the Building on the Cornerstone Fund.
All contributions to the Building on the Cornerstone Fund will be matched dollar for dollar up to $2.5 million throughout this entire campaign. Note: All contributions to the Building Fund since September 13, 2021, have been matched.
All St. Peter households should have received a packet of information in the mail during the week of January 9. There are extra copies of the packets in the narthex.
Commitment Sunday will be on February 13, 2022, which will end our Congregational Phase of the campaign and when all commitment cards are due.
If you have any questions about this campaign, please contact any member of the Steering Committee: Pastor Morris, Kurt Hilbrandt, Eric Hagenow, Caleb Abraham, Bart Hubbell, Karin Keel-Todd, Brian Heinlein, or Pam Breternitz.
Thank you for keeping this campaign in your prayers!
Building on the Cornerstone Update (February 22, 2022)
On Sunday, February 20, 2022, our Voters’ Assembly authorized Church Council to form a Building Committee to proceed with the implementation of the Master Plan. The Voters also authorized the Building Committee to finalize the Master Plan design to bring back to the Voters’ Assembly for approval. It is anticipated that over the course of the next several months, there will be periodic informational meetings for congregational updates and input. Subcommittees will likely be formed in the future to focus on certain aspects of the project, and the Building Committee will look for volunteers to bring additional ideas and suggestions from congregational members. Once there are final designs, the Building Committee will seek Voters’ approval of the design to begin construction documents.
Updates on the progress of our Building on the Cornerstone Campaign can be found on our website, at the table in the narthex, and through information provided in our church bulletin and newsletter. Informational meetings will also take place during the next few months to help keep the congregation informed of the progress being made by the Building Committee.
We are at a time in our congregation’s history that we can positively impact future generations to continue to have a place where Christ our Cornerstone is proclaimed. May God bless our work together by praying daily, giving generously, and encouraging others to pray and give.
Congregational Phase Kickoff (January 8-9, 2022)
Where did the Master Plan come from?
The Master Plan was developed and approved by the Voters Assembly in Jan 2011 based on Congregational Needs Assessments to support the St Peter Vision and Mission Statement.
The Master Plan included addressing the safety concerns at the school through relocation of the offices to the front of the school.
Additional facilities at the Church were also included in the Master Plan but were not implemented at the time.
In Aug 2020, Church Council commissioned the Long-Term Planning Committee to evaluate the Master Plan to determine if changes were necessary. The Long-Term Planning Committee gathered input from boards, groups, and the congregation to update the renderings that have been displayed in the Narthex for some time.
What is included in the Master Plan?
The Master Plan includes the addition of a Fellowship Hall with kitchen, expanded Narthex, meeting rooms, offices, organ replacement, music room, covered entryway, new parking lot, pavilion, and athletic fields.
Renderings of the Master Plan are included on the poster boards in the Narthex.
Finalized designs will be developed by a Building Committee which will be authorized by the Voters Assembly.
What is the Building on the Cornerstone Campaign?
The Building on the Cornerstone Campaign was approved by the Voters on Sept 13, 2021, to raise the necessary capital to support the Master Plan.
The campaign includes commitments over a 3-year period ending in Feb of 2025.
What is the cost of the Master Plan?
The cost to complete the Master Plan is estimated to be $8 Million.
What was the Leadership Phase of the campaign and why was it done before the Congregation Phase?
The Leadership Phase of the campaign began Nov 8, 2021, and was intended to gather commitments from congregational leadership and individuals that had indicated strong support for the campaign to build momentum for the full congregational phase. Today we are launching the Congregational Phase.
What has already been committed to the Building on the Cornerstone Campaign?
Commitments to the Building on the Cornerstone Campaign are summarized on your handout.
At the launch of the campaign, there was $600,000 in the Building Fund and designated funds that could be used for a building project.
A small group of individuals has committed to contribute $800,000 per year for 3 years to the campaign, totaling $2.4 million.
Additionally, a commitment has been made to match all contributions from the congregation dollar-for-dollar up to $2.5 million in congregational contributions.
With the Match included, $2.5 million in congregational commitment will result in the total $8 million required to complete the Master Plan.
Commitments already received in the Leadership Phase toward the $2.5 million matching goal total $1.7 million.
What is the Congregational Phase goal?
The goal of the Congregational Phase is at least $800,000 in commitments to complete the $2.5 million matching goal.
How can your commitment impact this campaign?
Looking at the chart on your handout, you can see how much your weekly contribution can add up to over the 3-year period. You can choose to give weekly, monthly, annually, or a lump sum. All commitments should be in addition to your current giving.
How do I make a commitment?
Every household that has not already committed to the campaign will receive a package in the mail this week.
Included in the package will be a brochure with additional information about the Master Plan as well as a commitment card like the back of your handout.
Additional commitment cards will be available in the Narthex if you have more than one giving unit in your household.
The Stewardship Life Campaign Steering Committee requests you to prayerfully consider how you will support this campaign financially. All commitments are over a 3-year period which ends Feb. 16, 2025.
Then complete the commitment card in your package, place it in the envelope provided, and put it in the offering plate, drop it at the church office, or return it by mail.
All commitments are kept confidential like your regular giving.
When are commitment cards due?
All commitments cards are due by Commitment Sunday which is Feb. 13, 2022. All commitments are over and above your current giving.
How will I know how the campaign is progressing before Commitment Sunday?
Please watch the display in the Narthex as we fill the steeple to complete this goal.
If you have questions, please ask a member of the Stewardship Life Campaign Steering Committee.
Stewardship Life Campaign Update (October 2021)
At a special Voters' meeting on Monday, September 13, our congregation voted to move forward with a Capital Campaign to secure funding donations to implement the Master Plan. We will be working with The Timothy Group to help us in this. As we prepare for this campaign, we are seeking volunteers that would be willing to help over the course of the next several months. The Timothy Group has provided us with detailed volunteer descriptions below. Please prayerfully consider serving on one of these committees. If you have questions or are willing to serve, please contact Eric Hagenow (eric.hagenow@stpeterhemlock.org) or Kurt Hilbrandt (kjhhomemail@gmail.com).
Volunteer Characteristics:
Each volunteer should be able to work well with people to do an effective job.
Willingness to make a meaningful commitment.
The Ministry Partners Gifts Committee is a key in setting the pace for the campaign. This committee of leaders will direct the presentation of the campaign focus to the current leadership of the church.
Focus groups will be conducted to respond to questions and encourage a leadership commitment to the ministry expansion.
Will work with the Communications Committee in development of necessary materials.
Will conduct focus group discussion with Ministry Partners prospects.
Time commitment: 3-5 hours per week in months one and two, plus Steering Committee meetings.
This committee will carry out the publicity for the program. Those involved should have some knowledge of printing, art, copyrighting, etc., and must be able to set and meet deadlines.
Will be the editor of all campaign materials.
Will be in charge of development and printing of all campaign publications.
Will work with the Spiritual Emphasis Director in compiling and editing testimonies for publication.
Some writing ability will be helpful.
Will enlist others for posters and displays.
Will assist in making video promotional material (optional).
Must be able to meet deadlines.
Time commitment: Active early in the campaign with significant time involvement of 3-5 hours per week in the first two months. This tapers off to 1-2 hours per week in the last two months, plus Steering Committee meetings.
This committee will have the uppermost responsibility for the major emphasis, that of prayer. Because of the nature of this work, it is imperative that this person be highly respected by fellow workers.
Must be held in high esteem by the church family.
Will enlist people to share their testimonies during the campaign period and for publication in campaign material.
Will enlist people for the prayer emphasis.
Will coordinate an emphasis on stewardship.
Will direct the development of the campaign newsletters.
​Time commitment: 1 hour per week during months one and two; 2-3 hours per week during months three and four, plus Steering Committee meetings.
The Events Committee will coordinate two gathering events within the campaign. The Events Committee will direct all arrangements for the location, food, and site preparation for the events.
Working with the Ministry Partners Gifts Committee, will arrange for the Ministry Partners Dessert(s).
Will build and supervise plans to carry out the Congregational Event plans.
Will assist in all areas of the campaign building toward the commitment Sunday & celebration.
Must be creative and yet sensitive to ministry roles already in place.
Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week in the first month and 3-4 hours per week in the last two months, plus Steering Committee meetings.
This Stewardship Life Campaign is the start of an exciting journey of “giving” towards the fulfillment of the commitments that have been made during the campaign time. The Stewardship Fulfillment Committee is the person responsible to follow through with maintaining continued growth in individual journeys of stewardship for the entire commitment time.
Must participate in all areas of ministry throughout the campaign time.
Must be dependable to follow through without a lot of supervision.
Time commitment: Steering Committee meetings and then as needed throughout the 36 months of fulfillment.
Long-Term Planning Committee Members
Pat Bates, David Earley, Kelley Fehn, Eric Hagenow, Brian Heinlein, Kurt Hilbrandt, Bart Hubbell, Karin Keel-Todd, Fred May, Andy Neuenfeldt, Harold Schroeder
Update from Special Voters Meeting (September 13, 2021)
At a special Voters' meeting on Monday, September 13, our congregation voted to move forward with a Capital Campaign to secure funding donations to implement the Master Plan. We will again hire The Timothy Group to help us in this campaign (they guided us through the pre-campaign study that was completed in June and July). There will be much more information in the coming weeks. Thank you for your prayers as our congregation moves forward with this campaign. We pray that God would continue to guide and bless our efforts as we begin this campaign.
Update (since January 25, 2021)
The Long Term Planning Committee updated the congregation at the Voters’ Meeting on January 25, 2021. Since that time, the Church Council approved the hiring of Three Rivers to create an updated Master Plan for our congregation (the previous Master Plan was from 2015). After multiple designs, discussions, and modifications, a new design has been created. This newest design addresses the current needs of our congregation while also taking into account
future ministry within our church and throughout our community.
How does the Master Plan meet the current and future needs of our congregation?
“Meeting the spiritual needs of our members” is a vital part of our congregation. A new room for Bible Class (fellowship hall) would allow for additional space, “round table discussions”, and a welcoming room where more people can gather. Bible Class currently takes place in either the chapel or the sanctuary which is not ideal for Bible Class.
In order to make Sunday School more accessible (currently this is held at the school) and be in the same building as the Adult Bible Class, the additional classrooms at the church will allow for Sunday School to be much more convenient for families and a direct connection to worship (before or after Sunday School depending on time).
Music is a key component in meeting the spiritual needs of our members and is a necessity in our worship. Having a designated place (music room) for our musicians to practice and warm-up is essential. The location of the music room also allows for easy access to the balcony. The music room, adjacent fellowship hall, additional classroom spaces, and improved church acoustics will allow St. Peter to host visiting choirs, bands, and handbell ensembles from colleges, seminaries, and high schools across the country, allowing us to expand community outreach through various concerts in our church. Also note that with improved organ and church acoustics, our congregation can host organ recitals, hymn festivals, and other sacred concerts featuring a pipe organ.
We currently do not have an area at our church to accommodate gatherings. With a new fellowship hall and kitchen, we would be able to host these functions at the church:
​funeral dinners
anniversary celebrations
baptismal and confirmation receptions
family gatherings
wedding receptions, showers, etc.
​The Master Plan contains a designated place for families with young children (nursery/cry room) which is next to a family restroom.
Our current narthex does not meet our needs for gathering before and after services. With the new gathering space, there is plenty of room before and after services for people to spread out (social distance if another COVID-19 pandemic were to happen), enjoy fellowship, and reduce the congestion of our current smaller narthex.
We currently have one meeting area at our church (multi-purpose room). The Master Plan creates several new spaces to hold meetings without interfering with other groups that meet. Groups and organizations who meet regularly are:
Public School Confirmation Classes
Adult Confirmation Classes
Altar Guild
Ladies Aid,
Mary Martha
Men’s Club
Adult Choir
Adult Handbells
Finance Committee
Church Council
Endowment Committee
Organ Committee
Long-Term Planning Committee
Sunshine Seniors
​The new office space in the Master Plan is easily accessible, spacious, and takes into consideration privacy for pastoral counseling. We currently only have one office for one pastor and one office for our music director. The Master Plan adds additional office space for our faculty and staff such as pastor, deacon, youth director, DCE, etc.
The plan includes a covered entry where people can be safely dropped off or picked up protected from the weather.
The plan includes an elevator that will safely move people and instruments up to the balcony.
The Master Plan has handicap-accessible family restrooms in different areas (by the classrooms/offices and by the nursery).
Storage is a necessity and our current storage in our church is limited. The Master Plan addresses storage concerns and has many areas where storage space is available.
The Master Plan includes a space designated for our Jr. and Sr. Youth. Even though we currently do not have a Youth Director, this is a ministry that we anticipate to begin again in the near future.
The Master Plan also takes into consideration these projects:
​Organ Project (Organ Committee working on this) which includes acoustical sanctuary modifications, temperature regulation within the sanctuary and balcony, additional balcony space for organ and musicians.
Lighting enhancement within the sanctuary and balcony
Video/Sound booth in the balcony to protect the sound system and the equipment required for Live-Streaming.
Maintenance Items: bell tower (repair and/or modification), roof, boiler, church parking lot and storm drains​
Additional Information
St. Peter Lutheran has received a significant matching fund offer to support half of our building and organ projects up to $2.5 million for a $5 million project or greater project.
Next Steps
Our committee recommended hiring a firm to conduct a study to assess if this plan is feasible for our congregation. This study will take several months. The congregation voted on April 26, 2021, to have a feasibility study done.
Timeline from January 2015 - January 2021
In January 2015, the Vision Committee presented the Master Plan to the Voters' Assembly.
In April 2015, the Voters' Assembly wanted a Feasibility Study to take place.
In the spring of 2016, the Feasibility Committee came up with these recommendations:
Before starting Phase 1, meet these criteria:
Pay off the mortgage.
Have all borrowed money paid back and have at least 10% reserve in the general fund (I think that was 10% of the budget).
Raise 2/3 of the money before borrowing any money for the project.
At the July 2016 Voters’ Assembly, there was concern with moving forward due mostly to financial concerns.
Over the last several years, the master plan has been discussed but there hasn’t been much movement.
On August 25, 2020, our St. Peter Church Council started the process of investigating what has changed over the last 5-6 years and if we would be in a position to start a new building project.
Over the course of several months, the Church Council assembled a Long-Term Planning Committee to provide a plan to the congregation for growth and development.
This committee assembled for the first time in October 2020 and began its work.
The needs of the congregation were gathered first, and here are some of the suggestions that were brought from congregational members, boards, and committees:
organ (including​​ acoustical sanctuary modifications)
temperature regulation within the sanctuary and balcony, additional balcony space for organ and musicians
elevator to the balcony
lighting enhancement within the sanctuary and balcony
video/sound booth
maintenance of the bell tower
parking lot and storm drains
increased opportunities for worship ministry
Christian education with spacious, attractive, comfortable facilities to welcome members and community
a place to feel the love, fellowship, and comfort of our Church family including space for before/after service fellowship, church worker welcoming, anniversary celebrations, baptism celebrations and baby showers, funeral dinners, wedding showers and receptions, family gatherings, and multiple meeting facilities for current and new organizations
There were ​considerations for the additional space which included the following:
great room/fellowship hall
cry room/nursing room
handicap accessible family restrooms
expansion of the narthex
meeting and practice facilities for worship musicians with consideration for connecting directly to the balcony
quiet, private and comfortable surroundings to meet with Pastor for personal counseling
Porte-Cochere (covered structure to protect from weather) to allow for cars to drive under for drop off and pick up during inclement weather and for those needing additional help
additional storage
pavilion/outdoor park area
school athletic fields