If you are unable to attend a worship, we invite you to join us via live stream. Simply click on the button below to go to our YouTube page in order to watch live and archived services and events.
Unless otherwise noted, all music included in the broadcast and archived versions of our services is used with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-728209.
Viewing Notes
If you have a SmartTV, Roku, Chromecast, or AppleTV device, you can also watch our services on your TV, which is a better alternative than viewing on a small computer or tablet. Just search for St. Peter Hemlock in the YouTube app on your device.
Recordings of our services are saved on our YouTube channel so that you can go back and re-watch them at a later time or share them with your family and friends.
You can also give your offering online using the following link: www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1857669