What We Believe
St. Peter Lutheran is a congregation of believers who worship the Triune God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father has created us and continues to bless us. The Son has died to save us from our sins and is preparing a place for us in heaven. The Holy Spirit calls us to the one, true faith and continues to work in us to strengthen that faith. God’s people gather around His Holy Word. They hear it proclaimed, they study it, and they share it with others. God has claimed each child — no matter their age — as his own through the water and word of Holy Baptism. In Baptism we are called by name and are brought into His kingdom. God continues to reassure us of forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation through Holy Communion. In Communion, we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present under the bread and wine.
St. Peter Lutheran congregation accepts the entire Bible as the inspired Word of God. It is the true and only authority for our life. We believe that since the fall of man into sin, all people are conceived and born in sin. Sin separates us from the love of God. Because of His Grace, His undeserved love for us, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to pay the punishment owed by our sins and to earn for us the forgiveness of sins. We learn from God’s Word that we receive forgiveness of our sins as a free gift through faith in our resurrected and ascended Lord. We believe that Christ will return on the Last Day to judge the world and that He will take those who believe in Him to eternal life in heaven.
St. Peter Lutheran congregation is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. As a Lutheran Church, we hold fast to the truths that Martin Luther rediscovered during the Age of the Reformation. These truths can be summed up by the Latin phrases Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura, — by Faith Alone, by Grace Alone, by Scripture Alone.